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Saturday, January 15, 2011

Not In This Lifetime....

I like old stuff...the shooter in the photo above was hand made in 1871. It is my favorite possession, period. I do not consider my family a possession, they are a blessing. Do I own other firearms? Yes, I do. What makes this one special? I have had this particular gun longer than most of the folks reading this blog have been alive. As old as it is, I still shoot it, and it is my constant companion. Most of my friends own handguns, and most of my friends carry them. Are we a bunch of blood thirsty killers? No, most of us are either parents or grand parents. We just reserve the right to preserve our lives so we can continue to enjoy our families. So......for all you progressive gun control liberals out there, if a bad guy shows up and you are with me, I will make sure the bad guy does not hurt either you or me. Not in this lifetime anyway. PEACE!!!

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